We have a data sample and need its upper and lower bounds.
X <- c(18.00, 3.86, 16.60, 7.69, 16.00, 4.06, 3.82, 56.30, 145.00, 2.92, 2.97, 10.60, 206.00, 9.12, 8.50, 31.20, 37.30, 29.70, 72.20, 8.08, 35.90, 5.93, 17.10, 73.00, 61.60, 47.00, 58.60, 18.70, 33.80, 25.00, 19.30)
Everyone knows ±2 standard deviations from the mean encloses 95% of the sample, so compute the sample mean and standard deviation, and the bounds are \(\bar X + 2 \hat \sigma\).
The bounds are correct IF the sample is from a Normal distribution. Is it? Did you check? Have you made a VALID statistical calculation that is FALSE? (See 2+2=5)
These observations are NOT normal because they do not fall on a straight line on a Normal QQ plot. When you compute a mean and standard deviation, this is what you are doing whether you realize it or not.
The bounds are clearly wrong. Since these observations are skewed right, maybe a log transform would help.
log.X <- c(2.89, 1.35, 2.81, 2.04, 2.77, 1.40, 1.34, 4.03, 4.98, 1.07, 1.09, 2.36, 5.33, 2.21, 2.14, 3.44, 3.62, 3.39, 4.28, 2.09, 3.58, 1.78, 2.84, 4.29, 4.12, 3.85, 4.07, 2.93, 3.52, 3.22, 2.96)
These data are well-described by a Normal distribution as evidenced by their proximity to a strainght line.
While Normal and LogNormal distributions are very common they are not the only possibilities. A QQ plot can be constructed for any distribution by plotting on the y-axis the distirbution’s “Q” (quantile) function, analagous to number of standard deviatoins from the mean for the Normal plot.
You will need R, the world’s best data analyisi software, and it’s free! Download the Windows binary files from the R website, http://www.r-project.org/. To do that click on CRAN (Comprehensive R Archive Network) and choose a mirror site in the US (or wherever is closer). From the CRAN page, click on Windows (95 and later) then click on base to download the R base package. Install R using the self-install feature of what you have downloaded.
Here is the R-code for constructing simple Normal QQ plots that I used for these figures. Cut & Paste into an R session.
QQ.plot <- function(X){ windows(width = 5.8, height = 5.8, pointsize = 12, xpos = -140, ypos = 100) par(mar = c(4.5, 4.5, 2.5,1 ) + 0.1, las = 1) y.min <- -2 y.max <- 2 x.min <- min(X) x.max <- max(X) X.bar <- mean(X) stdev <- sd(X) cat(paste("\nX.bar =",signif(X.bar, 4)," stdev =", signif(stdev, 4),"\n")) sorted.X <- sort(X) npts <- length(X) Q.theoretical <- qnorm(p=(1:npts)/(npts+1)) plot(sorted.X, Q.theoretical, axes = TRUE, xlim = c(x.min, x.max), ylim = c(y.min, y.max), xlab = "X = Sorted observed values", ylab = "Theoretical Number of Std. Deviations") mtext("Normal QQ Plot", line = 1, side = 3, cex = 1.2) x.loc <- par("usr")[1] + 0.8*(par("usr")[2] - par("usr")[1]) y.loc <- -1 text(x.loc, y.loc, bquote(bar(X) == .(signif(X.bar, 4)))) y.loc <- -1.3 text(x.loc, y.loc, bquote(hat(sigma) == .(signif(stdev, 4)))) abline(h = 0, lty = 2, col = "light gray") abline(v = X.bar, lty = 2, col = "light gray") abline(a = -X.bar/stdev, b = 1/stdev) }
Before you can run the code you need to enter the data. Cut and paste this line into the R session:
log.X <- c(2.89, 1.35, 2.81, 2.04, 2.77, 1.40, 1.34, 4.03, 4.98, 1.07, 1.09, 2.36, 5.33, 2.21, 2.14, 3.44, 3.62, 3.39, 4.28, 2.09, 3.58, 1.78, 2.84, 4.29, 4.12, 3.85, 4.07, 2.93, 3.52, 3.22, 2.96)
To run the code type: QQ.plot(log.X) and hit <Enter>
If you find this code helpful, send me a note. Tell me what you’re working on.
Best Wishes!